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Reflections and Blazing New Trails
In the series wrap-up show, co-hosts Amy Pearlman and Paul Deger reflect on the stories we’ve heard, the lessons we’ve learned, and the tools we’ve obtained during our journey exploring moral distress, burnout, and self-compassion in healthcare. Our series shed light on the challenges healthcare professionals face, systemic barriers, and steps we can take to pave the way for a healthier culture. As we wrap up, let's remember that addressing burnout is not just a personal responsibility but a collective endeavor involving healthcare institutions, policymakers, and society at large.
What resonated most with you? How will you continue the conversation in your workplaces? Where do you see the three principles of self-compassion - mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness, making a difference in your work life? Thank you for joining us on this journey and we hope our efforts have helped to heal you while you heal others.

Our Hosts:
Amy Pearlman, MSW, LICSW
Amy Pearlman is a quintessential social worker with a strong desire to improve healthcare outcomes. She believes that the best way to support the largest number of people is through engaging the community of providers and allies. She has transitioned between provider and payer settings over the course of her career to develop her clinical skills and maximize her empathy of provider experience, with the mission of aligning perspectives around a shared focus and goal to improve healthcare for individuals and families. Her clinical expertise is in crisis intervention, community based care, and clinical program design. Amy believes that healthcare is strongly tied to the health of care providers and is proud to support the healthcare system in this way.
Paul Deger, MA, LPC, PT
Paul Deger is a mindfulness-based intervention specialist. He has been in the healthcare delivery world for 35 years - first as a physical therapist, then as a licensed professional counselor. Paul has worked in a broad range of healthcare environments - inpatient, outpatient, ER and home-based. He also has served as a trainer for health care providers - covering clinical and self-care topics. Paul has seen - and experienced provider burnout - and has found sustainable ways forward. A life-long learner, he seeks out ways to exemplify being human and professional, accessing head and heart, balancing self-care and caring for others. To learn more about Paul, click here ( .

The Burnout Antidote is a co-production from Psych Hub and is brought to you by Janssen Neuroscience.
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Переглядів: 809


The Burnout Antidote - Dose 10: Workplace Self-Disclosure
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Get free mental health resources: In our final Dose of self-compassion, we tackle the critical issue of substance use disorders among healthcare clinicians. Join co-hosts Amy and Paul as they reflect on questions like how we cope and who we turn to for diverse perspectives. Explore trust-building, the dynamics of self-disclosure at the workplace, and the delicate balance of setti...
Addiction and Healthcare Providers
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In 2020, forty million people in the United States had a substance use disorder and only 6.5 percent received treatment. Healthcare providers are not immune to substance use disorders and other addictions. Some studies indicate that stress, burnout, exposure to death and trauma, access to prescription medication, and a culture of fear of stigma and loss of license are contributing factors for h...
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 9: Tell Your Story
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Get free mental health resources: From personal reflections to the stories we share in healthcare, the act of storytelling is a powerful tool for connection. In this video, co-hosts Paul and Amy discuss the principles of narrative medicine, proposing a unique communication strategy. Through story-sharing, empathy and understanding is cultivated, breaking down the barriers that of...
The Healing Power of Telling Our Story
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Common humanity, one of the three components of self-compassion, the antidote to burnout, is strengthened by sharing our unique stories. We can build empathy and support the humanity involved in healthcare by honoring and elevating the lived experience of healthcare providers and patients. In this episode, co-hosts Amy and Paul speak to Scott Acord and Michael Drummond from the Providence Insti...
Tech in the Healthcare Space
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The Impact and Boundaries of Telehealth
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How to Support BIPOC Teen Mental Health
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Every BIPOC teen deserves support that understands their unique experiences. Let's raise mental health awareness, cultivate diversity, and build a supportive environment for youth mental health. In this video, we learn 6 ways we can reduce mental health inequities for BIPOC youth. Learn more about the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Psych Hub is an educational service, and ...
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 8: Moral Distress and Your Needs
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Get free mental health resources: Let’s take a moment to ask ourselves - what do we need for healthcare workplace wellness? In this video, co-hosts Amy and Paul discuss the importance of understanding and navigating different phases in personal and workplace well-being, particularly in the context of moral distress. Where are we in the cyclical nature of striving, disillusionment...
Moral Distress Prevention and Mitigation
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This week’s episode includes a powerful story of the toll burnout can take on us, challenging our perception of our values and who we are. In this episode, we continue our burnout recovery journey by diving even deeper into the concepts and experiences of moral distress and moral injury. Co-hosts Amy and Paul reflect on the story of a clinician who found himself wondering what kind of person an...
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 7: Imagine Your 80th Birthday
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Get free mental health resources: What are your values? How do they influence your personal and work identities? What do you need as you journey through different phases in your life? For healthcare professionals, thinking about your personal identity, what you want to prioritize in your personal life, your identity as a care provider, and your career goals is helpful for ongoing...
Coping with Personal Stressors as a Healthcare Provider
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Life is a series of experiences, good, bad, and otherwise. How do we make it through demanding work responsibilities when we face tough times in our personal lives? In this episode, co-hosts Amy and Paul talk about living in two worlds - our work life and our personal life, and the advantages and disadvantages of compartmentalization. They describe strategies for supporting colleagues and yours...
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 6: Setting Personal Boundaries
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Healthcare professionals living with a chronic condition may benefit from reflecting on their self-care boundaries. Understanding what you need in your workplace and what your workplace needs from you can help you identify if the balance or lack of balance will support your personal health or negatively impact it. In Dose 6 of this series of videos, co-hosts Amy and Paul encourage us to prevent...
Healthcare Clinicians Living with a Disability
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The skipped lunches, extra shifts, completing charting after your workday was supposed to end, fitting in the extra patient - we often go above and beyond to meet the needs of our patients in a stretched healthcare system. But running ourselves into the ground is not helping anyone. In this episode, co-hosts Amy and Paul talk about how to balance care delivery and taking care of your personal h...
Ensuring Mental Health Support for Everyone
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Making mental health equitable means ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, circumstances, or identity, has fair and just access to mental health resources, support, and opportunities. Watch this video to learn about mental health equity and how to be an advocate for yourself and others. Learn more about the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
Experiencing a Mental Illness as a Healthcare Provider
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Experiencing a Mental Illness as a Healthcare Provider
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 5: Safety Planning for Ourselves
Переглядів 3524 місяці тому
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 5: Safety Planning for Ourselves
Secondary Trauma as a Healthcare Provider
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Secondary Trauma as a Healthcare Provider
Teens: My Self-Care
Переглядів 3 тис.4 місяці тому
Teens: My Self-Care
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 4: Meditation
Переглядів 4664 місяці тому
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 4: Meditation
Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Environments
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Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Environments
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 3: Implicit Bias Quiz
Переглядів 2914 місяці тому
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 3: Implicit Bias Quiz
Healthcare Workplace Discrimination and Bias
Переглядів 2124 місяці тому
Healthcare Workplace Discrimination and Bias
Social Unrest and the Healthcare Environment
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Social Unrest and the Healthcare Environment
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Teens
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Teens
Expanding Diversity in the Healthcare System
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Expanding Diversity in the Healthcare System
Affirming Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
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Affirming Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 2: Self-compassion Journal
Переглядів 5385 місяців тому
The Burnout Antidote - Dose 2: Self-compassion Journal
Empathy Fatigue in Healthcare Delivery
Переглядів 2955 місяців тому
Empathy Fatigue in Healthcare Delivery
Managing Healthcare Workplace and Personal Stress
Переглядів 3325 місяців тому
Managing Healthcare Workplace and Personal Stress


  • @christophercox936
    @christophercox936 14 годин тому

    If you take the medication and it causes side effects like all medications do hurray?

  • @presleyloberg3305
    @presleyloberg3305 15 годин тому

    How come everybody saying they enjoy sleep I'm too scared that I'll get sleep paralysis so I avoid sleep at all costs i am probably going to die soon

  • @_utorian_6554
    @_utorian_6554 16 годин тому

    Suffered from panic attacks for over 5 years. They were gone after I started Emdr therapy. Highly recommend everyone to try it if nothing else has worked so far.

  • @JUANCITO-gp5fj
    @JUANCITO-gp5fj 17 годин тому

    Una bomba de luz: LAS VOCES DE LAS PERSONAS EZQUISOFRENICOS O SIN SERLO NO SON CAOTICAS hay un orden detrás de ellas… Y HAY una salida que no es sendero con flores es arduo pero existe y tiene que ver con.... Dios y con Jesus Piensa si Dios lo escribió todo directa o indirectamente, esas vocves tambien, ellos son como chispas del caos y su accionar tiene una perfecta lógica según este juego-juicio, con su mas básico objetivo que Dios nos dio y es que la razón domine la emoción, y todo timoneado por el espíritu, y estas voces quieren quebrarte, que la emoción le gane a la razón, si uno le toma el tiempo y se da cuenta que las debe desobedecer en un 90% de los casos, y con arte y talento juega este juego psicológico como quien trata de manejar un loco caótico vera que hay una salida a la luz de Dios y esta pavimentado con fuerza, paciencia y maña. Es mucha le gente que escucha voces son o no son esquizofrénicos son como bost de la matrix, que tiene mucho que ver con la magia energía hay que pasar por ese tramo tan oscuro para llegar la luz del reino. Y aquí le indicamos una salida y un novedosa forma de verlo. Concejos varios. por empesar debes saber que esas voces son malignas, oscuras diabolicas en 90% , todo lo que sea luz las afecta. Entoces: 1) ALABAR A DIOS. SENTIR amor POR Dios los quema vivo, pero debes sentir ese amor genuinamente, procura hacerlo con toda honestidad, estas voces te pueden decir con esta enfermedad como vas amar a Dios? sorprendelo y cuando lo veas freir sabras que esa es al salida...2) Practica la santidad en el grado mas alto, has muchas buenas obras vibra bien alto pero de la mano del Dios biblico, otra cosa que las quema es que dibujes cosas cristianas, o lo mejor aun lee una parte de la biblia, y escribe un ensayo sobre ese tramo poco a poco el caudal del Espiritu santo sobre ti seras mas ancho y esa luz sobre ti los evapora. 3) Forra tu gorra o sombrero por dentro con el papel de aluminio por dentro o con ese papel de lo snaks, cuando se me ocurrio hacer esto ellos insultaron, los obstaculisa. 4) bendice agua y tomatela. 5) respira muy profundamente y sosten el aire lo mas que puedas, imagianando que ese aire es luz blanca Dios mismo ingreso a ti y te limpia y exorcisa. 6) Muchas veces esas voces usan las personas de tu alrededor como antenas retrasmisoras, por eso es bueno que estes en lugares aislados cada tanto salir de matrix es simplemte meterte en espacio de la ciudad por donde nunca estas. eso los desespera. 7) Jhon Nash te puede estimular el logro dominar algo a sus voces con pura fuerza de voluntad si a eso le agregamos tu fe y compania de Jesus, sera muy estimulante y positivo. 8) se conciente que es una guerra sicologica preparate para insultarlas o agredir o mofarte de ellas con talento, sin ser vulgar o mal hablado con la maxima altura posble pero atacarlas con potencia las achica y si las repredes en el Nombre de Dios mejor aun. Diles que tu tiene cuerpo mente alma y espirtu que ellas solo son bots electricos de la matrix cosas asi... que no te van a quitar la soberania de tu propio cuepro. 8) como ellas compiten por ti te puedes unir con algunas no tan pesadas para liberarte de otras eso me ayuda bastate. . Habla con ellas lo minimo posible nunca le hagas una esena de teatro, de odio porque crecera con tu propia energia, hasta ser insoportable las debes ignorar lo maximo posible. MUCHA SUERTE NO TE CONGREGUES SE UN CRISTIANO LIBRE Y NO TOMES MEDICNA ES PARTE DEL PROCESO, LO DIJERON EN SESIONES DE INVESTIGACION HIPNOTISTAS. COME SANO HAS EJERCISIO. LEE BUENO LIBROS DE AUTOSANACION. QUIERETE BIEN. MUCHA SUERTE. UN HERMANO EN CRISTO

  • @anamei9923
    @anamei9923 17 годин тому

    Thank you.💖🙏🏼

  • @MachaPittu
    @MachaPittu 21 годину тому

    Wtf is a panic attack??? I honestly don't know what it is.

  • @NightshadeJessi
    @NightshadeJessi 22 години тому

    This worked wonder this morning. Im going to try iahain on diffentoccasions.

  • @hansa5867
    @hansa5867 22 години тому

    I have tried working out, I've tried a variety of schedules as well as other techniques to try and manage my ADHD throughout my life. However, every time, I stand unsuccessful. I decided to try medication, and it actually worked to some degree. I managed to get my old grades up. But eventually the medication lost its effect, and even upping the dosage hasn't yielded a consistent improvement, not that consistency was ever achieved. I am 32 years old now, I am enrolled in medical school but I had to break this term because I failed my last exam. And I really want to study, if I don't study I get depressed. Furthermore, when I do study, I learn very rapidly. Yet, I think, I've only studied maybe 20-30 % of the time that I've been in med school and this is the cause of all my other issues. If I hadn't failed the last exam, I'd still have money, I'd be stable and I'd feel secure in my position as a person. However, while I have passed the last exam that I've failed which will allow me to resume term 4 of med school next term. I have not yet started studying for the next 2 exams that I have to pass in order to not get dropped after the next term. I am now desperately searching for how to manage this, I need to achieve consistency in my life, that is the only thing that I require. Anyways, just had to write something...

  • @Jarmen07
    @Jarmen07 День тому

    my Schizophrenia developed in a year like the video says

  • @PriyankaYadav-im1lh
    @PriyankaYadav-im1lh День тому

    My school

  • @fxbeliever123
    @fxbeliever123 День тому

    Do not self-diagnose. Seek a professional.

  • @Foltynfan-zy5es
    @Foltynfan-zy5es День тому

    I have adhd

  • @PTQ4Q4Q4Q4
    @PTQ4Q4Q4Q4 День тому

    Sounds like e everyone on earth.

  • @coballa7434
    @coballa7434 День тому

    Tengo este problema desde los 11 años. Con el paso del tiempo pese de recurrir a diferentes psicologos, esta compulsion a ido en aumento, sinceramente nose qué hacer cada vez me siento mas incapaz para controlar esto

  • @ale.donaire
    @ale.donaire День тому

    Lo peor es cuando estas con gente que te estima, familia, amigos y puedo dar una mala impresión, como de molestia, incomodidad. Preferí reducir contactos sociales pero se que no debería llegar a eso.

  • @stephaniesalas2802
    @stephaniesalas2802 День тому

    MI Hijo me dijo que es la esgrimió y le eseche😮

  • @cryshay
    @cryshay День тому

    Que hago si la duda de que estoy alucinando o no, me impiden buscar ayuda

  • @user-yr4ru6qn9s
    @user-yr4ru6qn9s День тому

    Control si tengo duro meses sin beber y si es no es no listo..pero cuando bebo pierdo el sentido de repente y no me acuerdo qe hablo será la tensión azúcar

  • @vivekreddy8682
    @vivekreddy8682 День тому


  • @aGirlNamedDr00l
    @aGirlNamedDr00l День тому

    thank you so much. ive struggled with panic disorder my whole life and for the first time i experienced the feeling of you are dying i sat down and turned this on and by the end i was okay.

  • @user-wd1pv4hc6d
    @user-wd1pv4hc6d День тому

    I hate how it hurts when I shower but I can't stop because I need to see the blood and marks it leaves behind

  • @gayareeepany268
    @gayareeepany268 День тому

    Useful video

  • @rheavellemanalili8154
    @rheavellemanalili8154 День тому

    I just happened to have one yesterday. That is my first time having a panic attack. And I really don't know why that happened on me.

  • @AlexMayore
    @AlexMayore 2 дні тому

    I'm going to try use this technique

  • @ES24chantal
    @ES24chantal 2 дні тому

    Well, I guess if you take Tramadol, Valium, Alcohol, you smoke, you gamble,... there is no more hope. I even tried Ibogaine, I reduced or stopped by myself (after all I am not stupid) - but after 45 years like this I can only say - no way out. I have to live with it the best I can. Point. It made me lonely, sad and suicidal. Sad - but true. No hospital will treat me (or better; can treat me). I guess having survived that long taught me some lessons. Most important - try to keep the level(s) low. I am a dependent prone person - nothing can change that.

  • @rm709
    @rm709 2 дні тому

    If only there were actual friends that provided this imaginary support. As if.

  • @JoseJimenez-yr7vb
    @JoseJimenez-yr7vb 2 дні тому

    Desde 13 anos padesco

  • @JoseJimenez-yr7vb
    @JoseJimenez-yr7vb 2 дні тому

    Yo tengo eso desde Nino y mis padres me golpeaban por era un bueno para nada

  • @user-fr1qq8dc1l
    @user-fr1qq8dc1l 2 дні тому

    This is SO important. Thank you for this!!!

  • @A.o.D1991
    @A.o.D1991 2 дні тому

    I was gonna kill myself a few years ago I decided before I say goodbye to my son and my girl without them knowing I’ll give myself a chance. I went to see a doctor and told myself the night before this will be the last person I talk 2….if he can’t help me that’s that….. I’m alive I was diagnosed with manic bi polar disorder , insomnia , ADHD , asthma…..long story short he helped me realize a lot of stuff and I became aware of why I would always burn down things around me and yea that’s kinda why I’m here to type this comment today….❤😊

  • @Tyler.Scott.
    @Tyler.Scott. 2 дні тому

    What if somebody educates themselves with bipolar disorder and finds out that these doctors made up bipolar disorder so they keep getting paid for the toxic medicstions they are feeding to people

  • @rxserise
    @rxserise 2 дні тому

    I just had my first panic attack, it wasnt probably that bad. I was in a fight with my dad. And evsntually, i locked the door to my room so o could avoid what was happening. I knew I was starting to feel very weak and numb. Like Ive had the worst heart break in those emotioanl series. Eventually i felt a intense increase of my inhaling. I thought i was doing it on purpose to let them know im hurt. But it actaully wasnt, my body gor weaker as i laid om my bed and my kept gasping from my mouth. My little sister understood something is up and asked me to open the door. I didnt want to, i didnt know if i could, cuz i didnt want to. I just wanated to die anyway, i never had the xourage to do it. Eventually my dad broke the lock and came to me. I got my sisters inhaler and slowly recovered. I was crying so much through all this. Although these fights were normal, this one definitely had an impact on me. I hope i womt get these anymore. I hope our family experiences a better future. I do love them, but we're just wesk at showing our love. To all out there, like me, i wish you the best!the typing might be bad, im writing this while im still shaking. ❤

  • @LeoEnmanuelCuevasJohnson-ox8gp

    Veo este video porque acabe de iniciar una relación con una chica la cual amo, y creo que se autolesiona, ayer note unas marcas en sus brazos y lo supuse, y no hay nada mas en el mundo que quisiera que no fuera ayudarla, no solo me informare sobre el tema, si hace falta hasta un experto me vuelvo

  • @BBFCCO733
    @BBFCCO733 2 дні тому

    I want to mention that being diagnosed with many co-morbid conditions AND having had undiagnosed ADHD for YEARS, it is worth noting if CBT in not effective for certain patients who are diagnosed with simply BPD, anxiety or depression, it could be that they are not able to access the pre-frontal cortex and a change in medication (stimulants or non-stimulants) may be the push they need to access that part of the brain that understands. I was on anti-depressants and was still not able to identify my thoughts. It just felt like that part of my brain did not exist. When I later on took stimulants as part of my treatment, I finally was able to "see" that part of my brain that does the thinking and was able to then identify that the negative thoughts came from external forces from the past, and was able to separate them from myself. Don't be too quick to right off patients as being difficult to treat when potentially they have been misdiagnosed.

  • @7exsa_Goober
    @7exsa_Goober 3 дні тому

    I js found out I had adhd😭🙏

  • @Aura_Rae
    @Aura_Rae 3 дні тому

    I know I need therapy but my parents always say “you don’t need all that fancy stuff”

  • @YourFavoriteBlueHedgehog
    @YourFavoriteBlueHedgehog 3 дні тому

    I’m currently 13 and I also feel like this! Endless feelings of tiredness, no energy and lack of interest and no concentration.. not very good

  • @BrownGeorge-pw2xo
    @BrownGeorge-pw2xo 3 дні тому

    I suffered severe anxiety, panic attacks and mental disorder 20 years ago as a teenage. Got diagnosed with OCD. Spent my whole life fighting OCD. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

    • @Ronkaja
      @Ronkaja 3 дні тому

      Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.

    • @JanetRichardson-mq5es
      @JanetRichardson-mq5es 3 дні тому

      Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Australia. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them

    • @SusanaGomez-mp8sk
      @SusanaGomez-mp8sk 3 дні тому

      YES sure of Dr.benfungi. Did straight shrooms in few days. Left me like a blank slate after words, no more addictions, pains, ptsd and depression. Shit saved my life, all thanks to Dr.benfungi

    • @Hison-Dcarman
      @Hison-Dcarman 3 дні тому

      100% agree I used to have Psychosis and paranoid thoughts like "people thinking about me talking about me etc. Very odd behavior after getting off Adderall from 7-16. Antidepressants at 18-29. 31 now. I took way to much, but took about 20g of Gold caps (Psilocybin containing mushroom) I analyzed my entire life. The emotions that came out helped me understand behavior etc more. Wont ever need to do it again because I'm happy and contempt forever, but I wish more people did this to alter their perception of reality. Would help with healing much trauma

    • @RubenDuate
      @RubenDuate 2 дні тому

      How do i reach out to him? Is he on Instagram

  • @onl77y
    @onl77y 3 дні тому

    Lo malo es que no tengo a nadie

  • @EppingForest304
    @EppingForest304 3 дні тому

    My OCD symptoms of checking & re-checking paperwork & envelopes etc. is so time consuming & exhausting... 😢

  • @UzytkownikGoogle-kt3ex
    @UzytkownikGoogle-kt3ex 3 дні тому

    I've been self-harming for 2 years but i do it like 1 or 2 times a month. Is it valid? I sometimes feel like its not 'coz my scars are little and i dont cut deep into my skin. I do it because i hate how i look, because i feel like my friends hate me and because i think it's not valid and I'm just seeking attention. But sometimes i just do it because of stress. Is it normal or should I worry?

  • @UvaVerde12
    @UvaVerde12 3 дні тому

    I think i had multiple panick attacks and didn't know i had them

  • @LonelyLoserDon
    @LonelyLoserDon 3 дні тому

    I live through this everyday. I just haven't gathered up the courage yet. And for people to say that suicide is for cowards, are STUPID and IGNORANT! It takes a BRAVE person to end their life. Nothing but bravery. Anybody else is terrified of dying, but when you have nothing left to lose, you don't care anymore.

  • @joelorei2146
    @joelorei2146 3 дні тому

    Nobody gives a f. Once your gone they use your death for their own ( sympathy) whete the f was everyone when i needed them,? If i had no money or could fix their car i was shit. Hell cant be any worse than life

  • @shadxwf1rex296
    @shadxwf1rex296 3 дні тому


  • @farhiyoahmedmohamed7445
    @farhiyoahmedmohamed7445 3 дні тому

    All I want it's peaceful and be alone just to understand the different between what is really that's happing and what is not really my body it's so tired I don't even do anything mental I am not capable to handle anything just want to be alone and guide myself to reality can anyone relate to that

  • @Debby-ko8nb
    @Debby-ko8nb 3 дні тому

    Please depression go easy on me.😢

  • @user-or4zp9ep3f
    @user-or4zp9ep3f 3 дні тому

    Para aquellas personas que lo sufren , el primer paso es empatizar consigo mismas (entender que el daño que les causaron no es su culpa), y expresar lo que sienten (hablandolo con alguien de confianza o escribiendolo en un diario ) y no evitar los malos pensamientos sino enfrentarlos.

  • @user-or4zp9ep3f
    @user-or4zp9ep3f 3 дні тому

    Gracias por traducirlo 😊

  • @Londibundi
    @Londibundi 3 дні тому

    I couldn’t stop crying and then my chest got tight and it was hard to breathe is that considered a panic attack?